Play - Release - Love

Do06apr19:30Do21:30Play - Release - LoveFeeling joyful and connected!19:30 - 21:30 BODYWORKBreathwork,Connecting,Massage,MeditationEXPERIENCESEvent,Rituals,sensualpositiv,WorkshopsAnmelden per Mail


Playing isn’t just for kids. Not only is it fun; when we enter a state where there is no goal, we can get into flow states, full presence and connection with ourselves. We will start the evening with a warm up of dance and interactive play.

Most of our life is spent reacting to the world around us, based on old patterns we learned as children in order to adapt to this world. Releasing stuck emotions unlocks stuck energy and leads to joy with no reason other than being alive. For releasing, we use elements of shadow work, Osho-inspired release exercises, voice dialogue and similar modalities.

As human beings we have a longing for oneness, desire to be seen and held. This is the state that allows us to open our hearts deeply and recharge our batteries. Here we use non-sexual tantric exercises to access a state of love within ourselves.

Play, release and love are a potent combination, building on eachother. Playing brings us into our bodies. Release makes us more present in the moment. Both allow for a more genuine connection or “love”.

This evening aims to bring you into a state of joy and feeling of connectedness.

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Wolfram is a successful serial entrepreneur in finance and technology. He begun his personal healing journey more than 15 years ago, when he started to engage in Zen meditation and shadow work, training with masters such as Thich Nhat Hanh and Junpo, teacher training in Mondo Zen, going through many different therapeutic and spiritual processes, from Jungian analysis to bioenergetic therapy, big mind process, voice dialogue, inner child work, different types of bodywork and Yoga, lucid dreaming, Sufi dances, Hypnosis, NLP, different Tantric schools (Osho, The New Tantra, ISTA) and Shamanic work. He has raised 3 kids, two of them now adults.

Christopher McLaren has a PHD in mechanical engineering. He dove into the world of self awareness 10 years ago with a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat. Since then he has trained in tantra with the schools the New Tantra and Wild Tantra, sexual healing with the Gaia Method and connection and intimacy from the learning to love institute. In movement he is a teacher of salsa, bachata and acroyoga. He combines these methods to help others completely accept themselves including their shadow side, remove shame and guilt from sexuality, and add playfulness and movement into life and intimacy.

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6. April 2023 19:30 - 21:30