Astrological Preview for January 2023

Plan and then implement

From an astrological perspective, the new year begins with the first new moon in January. A new moon always symbolises a conclusion and at the same time a new beginning. It is the appropriate moment to plant the seeds for the developments to come. In 2023, the Sun and Moon meet at the first New Moon of the new year on 21 January. The two join Aquarius at the beginning, activating the new Aquarian era. All other planets also position themselves at this New Moon in a way that supports a concrete shift towards the Aquarian Era.

It is best to concretise your ideas from 21 January onwards. This is the starting point for implementing plans, making the right decisions and driving business forward in a favourable way.

Patience is still required for implementation until 21 January. The quality of the window of time before January 21 can be used well for this purpose for taking stock of the situation, brainstorming and planning the matters at hand.

January chronologically:


1 until January 12. Mars retrograde Gemini. Reconsider actions and statements 

This can help you untie knots and free yourself from old patterns. Mars retrograde points out

what is not going right in your usual actions, statements and also in your behaviour in traffic or on social media. Mars is also the planet of war, also of the inner warrior and the defences. How is my immune system? How do I deal with aggression? When do I behave aggressively or even destructively?

This gives you a window of opportunity to adjust, to realign.

1 until January 18. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. Do the groundwork

Good time to get clarity, make plans, clear up old things, analyse situations and clean up thoroughly. The time of concretisation follows only from 21 January.

Special mindfulness is beneficial in all actions. Travelling, sports and everything that drives

shows its difficult sides. I also advise against buying new IT equipment.

Plan more time than usual for everything and do not take unnecessary risks.

1 and January 2. Venus Pluto. Love intensity

When the planet of the underworld conjoins the goddess of love, love with all its facets comes to the fore. It is clear that the two evoke intensity and offer a wide spectrum of feelings: From immoral and faithless, jealous and tragic love experiences to strong and positive love relationships. Self-love and one’s own approach to love will probably determine the kind of experiences you have.

It is also worth taking a closer look at your own ideal of status, love and beauty. To what extent am I determined by this and is it perhaps necessary to make adjustments?

4 January. Venus in Aquarius sextile Jupiter. Lightness

A light and optimistic mood characterises this day. The feelings show themselves

benevolent and patronising. Approach people, be active!

5 January. Sun trine Uranus. Allow new perspectives

A progressive attitude, the courage to dare new ways, with openness and good ideas you lead problems in the right direction.

January 7. Full Moon in Cancer. Security and emotional connection

Today we are accompanied by a particularly emotional, sensitive atmosphere with a desire for stability.

Strong women play an important role when it comes to bringing visions and dreams

into the world and to convey security.

We are now particularly open to the moods of other people. In doing so, we recognise better what is good for our loved ones. However, it is also worthwhile to pay attention to healthy boundaries.

8 January. Venus trine Mars. Desire 

The feminine and masculine principles combine harmoniously. This makes for beautiful encounters with the opposite sex.

12 – 19 January. Mars goes direct again and is previously stationary in Gemini. Stagnation 

Before Mars, the planet of motion, resumes its usual speed, it is slow to get up to speed. These days usually show some difficulty in asserting oneself. Pent-up feelings can be discharged and actions seem blocked.

January 15. Venus quads Uranus. Fast love and new values

We are open for new values and for new love experiences. This aspect has an invigorating effect on existing relationships, but at the same time it can also endanger existing relationships. That is, if the desire for adventure gets out of hand.

From 18 January on. Mercury is direct again. Plans can be realised 

Mercury also stands still today before it will move faster again from tomorrow.

This is a good time for work, business, travel and planning.  Things are moving forward and things that have stagnated before are getting back on track.

18 January. Sun conjunct Pluto. Power conflicts

A strong will and the urge to assert oneself are heightened today. This can show itself in power conflicts. This aspect could manifest itself particularly strikingly on the world stage.

From 20 January on. Mars direct. Actions run smoothly 

When Mars has picked up speed again, actions, journeys and discussions run smoother again. Solutions can be found, things are now moving forward. There is a lot of talking, debating and activity.


21 January. New Moon in Aquarius. Starting signal

This is the real beginning of the year. At this New Moon, forces combine to form a constructive and renewing force. From today on things can be well implemented and realised.


22 January. Venus conjunct Saturn. Cool love

Love matters look a little sober. But we see clearly and recognise what is important.

This allows us to look realistically at complicated matters of love, money and values. Important decisions can be made with this perspective.

25 January. Sun sextile Jupiter. Promising success 

The two great lights together provide a lot of tailwind. New possibilities appear. However, it is essential to take the initiative.

30 January. Sun trine Mars. Things are going well 

The time is ripe to tackle things courageously. Now you can also tackle risky and strenuous things.

30 January. Mercury trine Uranus. Thinking broadly 

This harmonious aspect of renewal, opens up new innovative ways of thinking. With clarity and a broader perspective, new paths can be advised and decisions can be made.

Bettina Bettini, 27 December 2022