Subtle, emotional and risky

Astrological preview for July 2024

Translated with (free version)For some zodiac signs, this time can turn a lot of things upside down. The signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius of the last decade are particularly affected, as are all those who have planets or sensitive points in these areas.

If you manage to face this impetuous, restless energy with calm and mindfulness, you can use it to bring new things into your life. You can change things radically, and it’s especially worthwhile if you try to react emotionally to events in a different way than you’re used to. 

Neptune, review of dreams
The planet of transcendence dissolves boundaries. It turns retrograde on 2 July, on the last degrees of Pisces. Here it has an enormous effect. Neptune is psychologically based on emotions and is also the lord of the seas and water.

It is therefore not surprising that the topic of water has been in the foreground for some time now and especially in these weeks, but will continue to be so in the future. In addition to too much, too little or polluted water, Neptune also controls the ocean currents. These are becoming less active and are massively changing the global climate.  And not to forget: Water is the carrier of emotions and we humans consist of about 70% water. If Neptune appeals to the emotions and the Sun is now also moving through the sign of Cancer, then the themes of security, roots and origins will come to the fore until 22 July. In a world that is changing ever faster, these themes form the foundation for facing these changes with serenity and strength.

This highly sensitive quality of time offers ideal conditions for tracing and recognising which feelings, ideas and dreams no longer serve you on your path of development. Many things dream themselves out and develop differently than expected. However, disillusionments also always have the quality of adapting long-cherished wishes to a new reality.

With Neptune and Cancer, it is important to calm down, meditate, linger in nature and connect with the sources of being.

The time is ripe for transformations – of imprints, unconscious patterns and traumas.
With the help of hypnotherapy, you can access your subconscious in a natural way and transform blocking and formative childhood experiences, including traumas. If you are interested in this, please get in touch with me under “Contact”.


July in chronological order 

1 to 4 July, love high
Relationships are promising and can be deepened and strengthened.

3 July, be careful on the road
The travelling planet comes under the wheels. Be even more careful on the roads and plan enough time. Avoid dangerous places and aggressive people. Practise restraint.

4 to 6 July, energy!
Good days for hard physical labour or top sporting achievements. Stamina and strength go hand in hand.

6 July, new moon in Cancer, healing and new beginnings.

If changes are supported emotionally, they last a long time. That’s why this highly emotional new moon helps to drive new things forward powerfully and sustainably. The quality of healing old psychological wounds is particularly pronounced. If you manage to accept your own weaknesses and sensitivities, a lot of healing is possible. This also helps us to approach new things more openly and freely. And a lot of new things want to come into our lives right now!

With the Sun in the sign of Cancer, digestion, the stomach and mental well-being are at the forefront. If possible, enjoy sharing your feelings with loved ones during these days.If you want to, do something good for your liver and stomach and ideally take a few alkalising or fasting days.

8 and 9 July, negotiations and agreements.
Favourable days for negotiations, consumption, trade and travel. What is agreed today has a lasting effect.

11 July, planning
This day should be used for planning. Binding, long-term agreements can be made now.

13 to 19 July, High Voltage Escalation Change
Sudden and violent natural events can characterise these days.This can also manifest itself on the political stage or on a personal level. Much that has been suppressed can now be released. In particular, trapped emotions can now break out, which can trigger events that ultimately serve as a release. It helps to adopt an observant attitude. This upheaval energy can discharge suddenly and explosively, which can cause people to act impatiently, restlessly, nervously and also explosively or aggressively. Bursts of release can occur, as new freedom is to be created. On 15 July, the encounter between Mars and Uranus is exact. This makes Monday in particular a difficult day to control with a tendency towards chaos. Be particularly careful with every action.

Remain calm, observe, be careful and don’t take any unnecessary risks.

21 July, Full Moon in Capricorn, life-changing and reconciling
This full moon can trigger unrest, tension and contradictions. Because the moon is conjunct transformative Pluto, many people will make life-changing decisions around this full moon. Whatever you now let go of, transform or take to another level will take you further in your process. Many things point to new things that contradict the need for security. Because what likes to remain unspoken, what likes to be swept under the carpet or repressed is making its way to the surface these days and wants to be cleared up. If we want to gain emotional security and find new ground under our feet, it is worth looking at the shadow issues that are emerging and becoming open to new thoughts and feelings. Focus on solution-orientated ways of thinking. Reconcile and let go.

22 to 24 July, days of inspiration
Not only the full moon and the days leading up to it, but also the coming days promise intensity. There are high-energy connections in the sky that could upset things for us. Don’t get carried away by unnecessary actionism. The forces are creative, with a desire to experience life fully and intensely. These are excellent days to live compassionately and to recharge your batteries in nature.

30 July, Healing self-love
Take action and do something for your inner peace – strengthen your self-worth, reconcile with yourself. You decide how you feel, think and act – it is in your power and means freedom.

23 June 2024, Bettina Bettini